Private Wohnbauten in Hongkong:
Materialisierte Ökonomie
[Private Residential Estates in Hong Kong: Materialized Economy]
Esther Lorenz
The advertising strategies of the real estate sector in the financial capital Hong Kong dissolve the boundaries with the built environment through the creation of dream worlds of virtual spaces and lifestyle backdrops that are specifically designed for market and sales strategies, – for clients’ enchantment. They are symptomatic for a change in values that has taken place since the Fifties and that considers architecture primarily as real estate.
Read the full paper here.
Esther Lorenz
The advertising strategies of the real estate sector in the financial capital Hong Kong dissolve the boundaries with the built environment through the creation of dream worlds of virtual spaces and lifestyle backdrops that are specifically designed for market and sales strategies, – for clients’ enchantment. They are symptomatic for a change in values that has taken place since the Fifties and that considers architecture primarily as real estate.
Read the full paper here.