AUC Inaugural Workshops
Friday, February 18 – Saturday, February 19, 2022
Rotunda Dome Room, University of Virginia
The set of workshops launched the research platform Asian Urbanism Collaborative (AUC) through engaged debate on three thematic areas that we identified as crucial for the thinking about the future city, and the role the Asian City may play in our understanding and shaping of it: Geopolitics, Culture, and Ecology. Participants include Lawrence Chua, Christian de Pee, Camille Frazier, María González Aranguren, Tom Leader, Zhongjie Lin, Gordon Mathews, Paul Rabé, Anne Rademacher, Peter Rowe, Brantly Womack, Weiping Wu and AUC founders Shiqiao Li and Esther Lorenz.
View the full workshop program including titles and abstracts for all talks.
Workshop Themes and Participants
Friday, February 18
Dean’s Welcome, Malo Hutson
Introduction, Shiqiao Li and Esther Lorenz
Workshop #1: Geopolitics
The neoliberal world order known as the Washington Consensus has been replaced by a different kind of geopolitical reality. How do we characterize today's world, if not a kind of world order? How do nations and cities jostle for influence, power, and sustainability? This session discusses how cities develop and respond to surprising shifts in geopolitical balance in the world, and to new kinds of cultural and economic opportunities in the rapidly changing conditions of technology and trade.
Weiping Wu, Interim Dean, Professor and Director of Urban Planning Program, GSAPP, Columbia University
Peter Rowe, Raymond Garbe Professor of Architecture and Urban Design, GSD, Harvard University
Paul Rabé, Senior Land Expert, IHS Erasmus University Rotterdam, Head of Cities Programs, IIAS
Brantly Womack, Professor Emeritus of Foreign Affairs, Department of Politics, University of Virginia
Saturday, February 19
Workshop #2: Culture
The striving for global cultural and political equity spearheaded by postcolonial critique has given us a new awareness of the diversity of cultures. If we acknowledge cultures have indigenous frameworks different from those interpreted through Euro-centric scholarship, how do we understand indigenous frameworks across language and lifeworld divides? This session asks: how does a different kind of understanding of these language and lifeworld divides give us new tools to engage and intervene in cities in different cultures?
Lawrence Chua, Associate Professor, School of Architecture, Syracuse University
Gordon Mathews, Professor, Department of Anthropology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Christian de Pee, Professor, Department of History, University of Michigan
María González Aranguren, Assistant Professor, School of Architecture, University of Virginia
Workshop #3: Ecology
Cities account for most of the environmental pollution and most of the energy consumption. Do cultures, geographies, climates, economies, and sustainable life come as a whole package? How do cities in different parts of the world organize themselves in relation to the use of resources through varying levels of urban density and distinctive understanding of individuality and commonality? This session discusses what may be described as composite modalities of cities in relation to a sustainable living environment as the most challenging issue of our time.
Tom Leader, Principal and Founder, TLS Landscape Architecture
Zhongjie Lin, Associate Professor, Department of City and Regional Planning, University of Pennsylvania
Camille Frazier, Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Clarkson University
Anne Rademacher, Professor of Environmental Studies, New York University
Shiqiao Li and Esther Lorenz
Buckner W. Clay Endowment for the Humanities, IHGC, UVA
Center for Global Inquiry & Innovation, UVA
Friday, February 18 – Saturday, February 19, 2022
Rotunda Dome Room, University of Virginia
The set of workshops launched the research platform Asian Urbanism Collaborative (AUC) through engaged debate on three thematic areas that we identified as crucial for the thinking about the future city, and the role the Asian City may play in our understanding and shaping of it: Geopolitics, Culture, and Ecology. Participants include Lawrence Chua, Christian de Pee, Camille Frazier, María González Aranguren, Tom Leader, Zhongjie Lin, Gordon Mathews, Paul Rabé, Anne Rademacher, Peter Rowe, Brantly Womack, Weiping Wu and AUC founders Shiqiao Li and Esther Lorenz.
View the full workshop program including titles and abstracts for all talks.
Workshop Themes and Participants
Friday, February 18
Dean’s Welcome, Malo Hutson
Introduction, Shiqiao Li and Esther Lorenz
Workshop #1: Geopolitics
The neoliberal world order known as the Washington Consensus has been replaced by a different kind of geopolitical reality. How do we characterize today's world, if not a kind of world order? How do nations and cities jostle for influence, power, and sustainability? This session discusses how cities develop and respond to surprising shifts in geopolitical balance in the world, and to new kinds of cultural and economic opportunities in the rapidly changing conditions of technology and trade.
Weiping Wu, Interim Dean, Professor and Director of Urban Planning Program, GSAPP, Columbia University
Peter Rowe, Raymond Garbe Professor of Architecture and Urban Design, GSD, Harvard University
Paul Rabé, Senior Land Expert, IHS Erasmus University Rotterdam, Head of Cities Programs, IIAS
Brantly Womack, Professor Emeritus of Foreign Affairs, Department of Politics, University of Virginia
Saturday, February 19
Workshop #2: Culture
The striving for global cultural and political equity spearheaded by postcolonial critique has given us a new awareness of the diversity of cultures. If we acknowledge cultures have indigenous frameworks different from those interpreted through Euro-centric scholarship, how do we understand indigenous frameworks across language and lifeworld divides? This session asks: how does a different kind of understanding of these language and lifeworld divides give us new tools to engage and intervene in cities in different cultures?
Lawrence Chua, Associate Professor, School of Architecture, Syracuse University
Gordon Mathews, Professor, Department of Anthropology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Christian de Pee, Professor, Department of History, University of Michigan
María González Aranguren, Assistant Professor, School of Architecture, University of Virginia
Workshop #3: Ecology
Cities account for most of the environmental pollution and most of the energy consumption. Do cultures, geographies, climates, economies, and sustainable life come as a whole package? How do cities in different parts of the world organize themselves in relation to the use of resources through varying levels of urban density and distinctive understanding of individuality and commonality? This session discusses what may be described as composite modalities of cities in relation to a sustainable living environment as the most challenging issue of our time.
Tom Leader, Principal and Founder, TLS Landscape Architecture
Zhongjie Lin, Associate Professor, Department of City and Regional Planning, University of Pennsylvania
Camille Frazier, Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Clarkson University
Anne Rademacher, Professor of Environmental Studies, New York University
Shiqiao Li and Esther Lorenz
Buckner W. Clay Endowment for the Humanities, IHGC, UVA
Center for Global Inquiry & Innovation, UVA